How to Prepare


We have all heard the recent forecasts for snow from the lovely people at Met Eireann. There is a lot of talk of snow and if that happens, Autumn and may leave your garden looking like a winter wonderland…or Autumn wonderland in this case. However, snow can also cause damage to your garden, which is why it’s important to prepare for it. Here are a few tips on how to prepare your garden for snow.

First and foremost, it’s important to keep your garden well-maintained throughout the year. Trim any trees or bushes that may be near your home, as these can cause damage if they fall under the weight of heavy snow. Additionally, make sure to clean up any leaves or debris that may be in your garden before snowfall. This will help prevent any rot or disease from spreading during the colder months.



Next, consider adding winter-friendly plants to your garden. Plants such as evergreens, holly, and winterberry are great additions to any garden during the winter months. These plants are not only beautiful, but they also provide shelter for animals and help to protect your garden from heavy snowfall.

Lastly, make sure to protect any delicate plants or flowers that may be in your garden. Cover them with burlap or a protective cloth to help prevent any damage from snow or frost. You can also mulch around the base of your plants to help insulate them from the cold.

In conclusion, preparing your garden for snow is an important task that should not be overlooked. By keeping your garden well-maintained, adding winter-friendly plants, and protecting delicate plants, you can ensure that your garden will survive the winter months unscathed.


It’s also important to take care of any garden structures that may be affected by heavy snow. This includes things like trellises, arbors, and fences. Make sure they are sturdy and secure before the first snowfall. You may also want to consider removing any decorations or ornaments that could be damaged by snow or ice.

Another tip is to create paths in your garden for easy access during snow removal. This can be done with materials such as gravel, wood chips, or even sand. Not only will this make it easier for you to navigate your garden during the winter, but it will also help prevent damage to your plants and lawn.



Lastly, don’t forget about your garden tools and equipment. Make sure to store them in a dry and protected area during the winter months. This will help prevent rust and prolong the lifespan of your tools.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your garden is well-prepared for the winter season. With a little bit of effort, you can enjoy a beautiful and healthy garden all year round.


Winter can be a harsh season for gardens, but with proper preparation, you can protect your plants and ensure their survival. One important step is to prune any dead or damaged branches from your trees and shrubs. This will not only improve their appearance but also prevent further damage during heavy snow or wind.

Another tip is to add a layer of mulch around your plants to help insulate their roots and retain moisture. You can use materials such as straw, leaves, or wood chips for this purpose.

It’s also a good idea to cover delicate plants with burlap or other protective materials. This will shield them from harsh winds and extreme temperatures. Be sure to remove the coverings once the weather improves to prevent suffocation and promote healthy growth.

In addition, you should water your plants regularly before the ground freezes. This will help them store enough moisture to survive the winter months.

Overall, taking these steps will help ensure that your garden survives the winter and comes back to life in the spring. With a little bit of effort and care, you can enjoy a beautiful and thriving garden year after year.